
5 Important things for Marriage

June 18, 2021


Marriage! This word is gradually becoming a giant monster and scary nowadays. Couples have 1000s of questions before proceeding ahead. However, often we say that not the merits, lifestyle, parameters, horoscope but what matters is "Vibe". 

So let's understand what Vibe is all about. Once you match the prospect on merit, you meet to find the Vibe. However, the best part of Vibe is that, it’s not the one-way thing. Let's see how below 5 important things make the Vibe grow.

  • Approachability: The most important thing is how approachable you're. If you start assessing the prospect, he/she might not open up the way they're, and unconventionally, you make them conscious & nervous. Let your voice, action; gesture be open and approachable in line to make the person comfortable to open up. Remember, you shouldn't interview them; you should greet and meet them.

  • Dressing: Don't overdress. That elevates the occasion, and it makes the prospect conscious, and you don't have the normal talks. Just wear comfortable and casual attire and try to make the moment lighter.

  • Ambience: An Ambience is a combination of temperature, climate, noise, time, smell and surrounding. Choose a place and time which is calm and less cluttered. A piece of soft instrumental music and an open space with lesser noise always allow you to open up well.

  • Small Talks: The Vibe is all about small talks and tone. The mini surprises which delight you. Listen well, talk about the good moments, and don’t discuss your past baggage in the first meeting. Remember, for the rest of the life; you're going to enjoy the small talks and not the major decisions and discussions. The reward of Marriage is the close understanding of each other, and it's all about those random talks which you shall cherish.

  • Express & Honesty: The meeting is all about expressing and not impressing. Once you start your attempt to impress, the person you meet shall know it in the first place. And you don't want to create a fake impression. Right? Everyone has their own quality and attributes. Please keep it simple & expressive, the way you're.

  • Positive Approach: Don't participate or initiate negative discussions, Neither get deep into any topic. Keep it light, happy and stay in the current moment. Positivity, Generosity, Being a Giver, Empathy, Forgiving, Acceptance is all about your Vibe. This has become rare. Be an example instead of setting your standards.

At My Sambandh, we take care of the smooth transition of meetings of the prospects till their happy wedding. The marriage is all about the celebration of life, just not the function. This is how we have been blessed to do matchmaking for 1000s of couples since 1995. Our relationship managers help you meet the special one. As Happiness is togetherness! ?

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