
Break Free from Predefined Gender Roles

June 25, 2024


The Key to a Successful Marriage

For generations, Indian Marriages and Indian family structures have always come with predefined roles. Men are the breadwinners; they are in charge of earning to support the family while women manage the household duties and the upbringing of children. With the changing and evolving world, such ideas are also changing, for the good. Today’s marriages are learning to accept a more equitable approach, where roles are not restricted by gender and responsibilities are not imbalanced.

Why this shift?

The rise of women opting to work even after marriage is a major factor that brings this change. With the independence that a woman seeks when it comes to her work life, her partner starts viewing her as an equal, not just a caregiver. Men are also understanding that it is equally important for them to be involved in the household management, and the upbringing of children. Many social movements and influences have challenged these gender norms, and there is slowly a rise in a more balanced approach to marriage.

The Advantage

There are multiple benefits to adopting the changing gender roles, and some of them are:

  • Increased Satisfaction

Many studies show that couples who share responsibilities have higher levels of marital satisfaction. Shared household duties and child upbringing creates a sense of teamwork and reduces the resentment that can be felt towards household work if it is one person’s burden to shoulder.

  • Stronger Bond

When there is equitable contribution by the couple, it creates a sense of mutual respect and connection on a deeper level

  • Personal Growth

By breaking free from traditions that have always forced men and women into certain roles, both partners can explore their full potential beyond their duties as defined by marriage. By sharing the burden, they can get more time to explore other realms of life and grow in more areas than one.

  • Adaptability

When the roles aren’t rigid or predefined, it helps the couple become more flexible in the event that any change occurs. If both are equal in participating in the household duties and financial duties, career shifts or changing needs of their children could be an easy task for them to deal with by adapting to the circumstance.

You might wonder that after generations of what HAS to be done, how can you bring a change into what CAN be done? It might seem difficult to navigate through this initially, so here are some tips that can help you:

  • Open Communication

Openly share your expectations and preferences with your partner before marriage. Understand how you both will manage financial duties, child upbringing and household duties.

  • Shared Values

While roles might be flexible, it is very important to have shared core values. Discussing your priorities, parenting styles and goals will help understand where you have common ground, and where compromises will have to be made.

  • Flexibility

Marriage is a partnership, and there will be times where compromises will have to be made. Keep an open mind and try to understand what your partner feels, and see where you can agree and adjust.

  • Focus on Strengths

Don’t focus on the stereotypes laid down by gender norms. If your partner is a good cook, let them take lead. If there are times when you both have to pitch in and there is no house help, decide fixed chores for both of you so it is easier to complete your defined task.

  • Celebrate Achievements

Support each other professionally and personally, regardless of who achieves more, or who brings the bigger paycheck. A win for one is a win for both in a marriage.

The key to a successful and fulfilling marriage is not about following traditions as they have always been followed. It is about building a partnership based on love, connection and ideas that are important to you both as a couple. Accept changing gender roles and adapt to create a marriage that thrives on mutual support.

At My Sambandh Matrimony, we understand that a successful marriage is based on adaptability and compatibility in values, and a willingness to grow together. Opt for our services to help you connect with partners that share your modern outlook on marriage, and are willing to create a support system based on mutual respect.

Contact us now to begin your journey to a better future!


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