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Yes, you read it right. Nowadays, tons of questions turn up on your Mind, and you hesitate to move ahead for life-long Marriage. Would I be able to play/watch cricket after Marriage? Will I be able to perform or focus on my job? These all uncertainti...


This little line seems to be the tale of life. Isn't it? We're so much attached to the festival of Kites - i.e., Makarsankranti. Don't ask who is Patang and who is Dor in married life? It's not essential about the roles, but it's all about enjoying t...


Hello Girls & Guys,Have you ever gone through the experience of buying the fabric for your attire? You might have experienced it that while you buy it, maybe your friend or parent or siblings or you yourself might be under confident whether it will l...


Birth, Marriage & Death - Definitely, The most three significant milestones in a person's life. And when you're meeting a prospect, you should express precisely the way you're and do not try to create an impression that you're not in re...


Well, the subject line itself is so complete in its own way, that we don't need to explain the excitement. My Sambandh team sees the relationship from a broader and longer perspective. We just do not match the couple, but we match their vis...

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